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Mabon 2023


MABON: Sat Sept 23rd

Mabon is one of the eight annual sabbats, or festivals, celebrated in modern Pagan and Wiccan traditions, particularly within the Wheel of the Year.

It is often referred to as the Autumn Equinox and falls around September 21st to 23rd in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the midpoint between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Winter Solstice (Yule).

In the Southern Hemisphere, Mabon is celebrated around March 21st to 23rd, coinciding with the Spring Equinox.

Mabon is a time to celebrate the second harvest of the year, when fruits, grains, and vegetables are being gathered before the colder months.

It is a festival of thanksgiving for the bountiful harvest and a time to reflect on the balance between light and darkness as the days and nights become roughly equal in length.

Here are five unique and witchy ways to celebrate this special time of year:

Create an Autumn Altar: Set up a seasonal altar in your home to honor the equinox. Decorate it with symbols of the season, such as colorful leaves, pinecones, acorns, and gourds. You can also include candles in autumnal colors like orange, red, and brown. Use this sacred space for meditation, spellwork, or simply to reflect on the balance of light and dark.

Harvest Ritual: Organize a small harvest ritual to give thanks for the abundance of the season. If you have a garden, pick the last fruits and vegetables of the year and offer them as gifts to the earth. Consider baking a homemade apple or pumpkin pie to share with loved ones, using ingredients harvested locally.

Autumn Divination: The equinox is a perfect time for divination and seeking guidance for the coming season. You can use tarot cards, runes, or other divination tools to gain insights into the months ahead. Find a quiet, outdoor space and perform your divination ritual surrounded by the energies of nature.

Make Seasonal Crafts: Embrace your creative side by making seasonal crafts and decorations. Create a witch's broom or besom using fallen branches and twine, or craft your own unique autumn wreath adorned with herbs, dried flowers, and crystals. These items can be used to add a touch of magic to your home.

Feast with Seasonal Foods: Prepare a feast with foods that are in season during the fall, such as apples, pumpkins, squash, and root vegetables. Incorporate these ingredients into your meals and infuse them with intention and gratitude. You can also bake homemade bread or brew herbal teas using herbs from your garden or local sources.

Remember that the Autumn Equinox is a time to reflect on balance and harmony, as it marks the point of equal daylight and darkness. You can also perform spells and rituals related to balance, inner reflection, and letting go of what no longer serves you. Whether you're a seasoned witch or just beginning your magical journey, these unique and witchy ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox can help you connect with the energies of the season and deepen your spiritual practice.

Blessed Be

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