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8/8 Lion's Gate Portal


In the realm of celestial occurrences, few events hold as much mystic potential as the Lion's Gate Portal. This powerful alignment, occurring annually on August 8th, is a gateway to heightened spiritual energy and transformation.

For witches, this cosmic phenomenon offers a unique opportunity to channel its energy towards manifestation.

Let's explore the essence of the Lion's Gate Portal and how witches can tap into its energy to amplify their magical intentions and manifest their desires.

The Lion's Gate Portal occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo, symbolized by the mighty lion. This alignment is further amplified by the presence of the star Sirius, known as the "Spiritual Sun," which aligns with the Earth and the Sun during this period. The energy of the Lion's Gate Portal is marked by spiritual growth, higher consciousness, and enhanced intuitive abilities.

As witches, intention is our guiding force. Before harnessing the Lion's Gate energy, take time to reflect on your desires. What do you wish to manifest? Whether it's personal growth, abundance, love, or creativity, clarity in your intentions is key.

Select crystals that resonate with the Lion's Gate energy, such as citrine for abundance, labradorite for intuition, and sunstone for vitality. Use these crystals in rituals, meditation, or as part of your altar setup to amplify your intentions.

Create a sacred space infused with the energy of the Lion's Gate. Decorate your altar with symbols of lions, sunflowers, and representations of the sun. Incorporate vibrant colors like gold, orange, and shades of yellow to invoke the sun's energy.

During the Lion's Gate Portal, engage in guided meditation or visualization exercises. Imagine a powerful lion guiding you through a cosmic gateway, where you receive divine insights and amplify your intentions.

Craft affirmations and spells that resonate with the Lion's Gate energy. Speak them with intention, charging them with cosmic power. Whether written or spoken, affirmations can help you focus your energy and manifest your desires.

Journaling is a powerful way to document your intentions, experiences, and insights during the Lion's Gate Portal. Reflect on your growth, manifestations, and any signs or synchronicities that arise.

The Lion's Gate Portal is a celestial gift that empowers witches to align with the universe and amplify their manifestation abilities. As we embark on this journey of cosmic alignment, let us remember that the universe is our partner in creation, and the Lion's Gate Portal is a potent reminder of the magic that lies within and around us.

Blessed be!

Originally published in our newsletter. Subscribe below for up-to-date articles, spells, info and more


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